
Martha Beck

There are some people that I swear the universe keeps nudging you to find out about, until you finally get the hint and buy their book! Martha Beck was that to me. Whilst sewing I listen to podcasts at times and for a period of time, I swear I kept hearing Martha’s name, then part of her story, then another day and a different podcast, there she was again.

After a few months of this, I got the hint and ordered her latest book – The way of Integrity.

Holy Moly..

I listened to it first on audiobook, stopping it every 5 minutes to post something new on Facebook and tell all of my friends and family how they needed to go out and buy the damn book, immediately! Then I realized I was going to need a physical copy too, you know so I could hold it in my hands and digest the rich chocolate cake that it was, bit by bit.

This book y’all, its no walk in the park. Its hard freaking work and Martha’s stories that run parallel to her teachings (or should that be Martha’s teachings that come from her experiences) they just kinda take you by the hand and make you realise that no matter what you have been or are going through:

  1. You are not alone
  2. There is always hope and freedom

Since devouring The way of Integrity, I have started to follow Martha on all social media platforms and now delight in her weekly podcasts and Facebook lives.

She is so authentic.

She is so utterly real.

She is absolutely wonderful.

So, this quilt, which was meant to be sewn and given August as its month, couldn’t wait. It came together so effortlessly that it practically made itself (well not exactly but you know what I mean) and a few days ago, I packaged it up along with a hand-painted and hand-written card and sent it to her.

I hope she loves it.

I hope it touches her heart for even a second and makes her smile, because her words, her shared experiences have touched me so deeply that I know I am forever changed, in a good way.

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