Laura Belbin

I would like to introduce you to Laura aka Knee Deep in Life on social media.

Laura is funny, real, raw and honest.

I have followed her for many years and she always brings a smile to my face with her funny yet insightful posts.

As someone who has struggled with depression, her frankness and rawness on the subject is like a breath of fresh air. It is never sugar coated and her vulnerability in sharing her struggles has helped me more than she will ever know.

The hilarity with which she demonstrates reality vs picture perfect also often has me in stitches and is a fabulous reminder to stop taking ourselves so seriously.

Her message of building up women and smashing the ridiculous pressure of perfection which is rife on social media, makes her an inspiration to me.

Quilt Details:

Size 72″ x 90″

Number of pieces: 2,051

Number of different colours: 9

Number of hours to make: 86

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